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本公司具有先进完善的生产设备与检验设备、带领行业的技术力量,年产量可达15000吨。产品质量达到或超过中国GB/T5237-2000标准,并通过ISO9001-2000质量管理体系认证、荣获质量信得过产品及消费者满意企业称号。品质得到可靠保证,具农业生产体系械性能好、几何尺寸准确、色泽均匀、光洁度好、耐腐蚀等优点。产品品种齐全,并随时根据客户的需要更新,广泛涉及门窗、幕墙、家具、电脑散热器等行业,销售网络覆盖全国各地,并出口东南亚及欧美部份国家及地区。The company has advanced equipment and technology, and the year output can reach 15 thousand ton. The production of the goods pursuant to the standard of GB/T5237-2000, and it has authenticated by the ISO9001-2000. The quality of the products has a good guarantee. The products have merits which are good mechanism, precise measurement, even colour, good brightness, endurable erosion. Our products have different kinds and with the needs of the customers, we adapt and develop the products for the customers. We also involve in the area of aluminium of door and window, curtain wall, furniture, and radiator for computers. We have a sale net around the world, and export our products to some countries of South East Asia and European countries and America.



广东会丰铝业有限公司 > 铝产品 > 铝合金建筑型材及电脑散热器型材
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