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进口离心管道循环泵产品概述:Overview of imported centrifugal pipe circulating pump products:

叶轮是抽送液体作用的主体,是离心泵较重要的部件,离心泵是由叶轮的离心力作用,给予抽送流体以速度能,并将该速度能的一部分转换为压力能,提高流体的压力和速度,完成泵输送液体的过程。  泵叶轮的形状随着比转数的不同有不同的差别,叶轮按比转数从小到大的顺序和液体在叶轮中流动的方向,可分为径流式叶轮、混流式叶轮、斜流式叶轮、轴流式叶轮。若按叶轮结构可分为闭式叶轮、开式叶轮、诱导轮全开式叶轮、半开式叶轮。



Application field of imported centrifugal pipe circulating pump:

适用于能源、冶金、化工、纺织、造纸、以及宾馆饭店等锅炉高温热水增压循环输送及城市采暖系统循环用泵It is suitable for high temperature hot water pressurization circulation transportation and municipal heating system circulation pump of energy, metallurgy, chemical industry, textile, paper making, hotel, restaurant and other boilers


进口离心管道循环泵产品特点:Characteristics of imported centrifugal pipeline circulating pumps:

1. 泵为立式结构,进出口口径相同,且位于同一中心线上,可象阀门一样安装于管路之中,外形紧凑美观,占地面积小,建筑投入低,如加上防护罩则可置于户外使用。

2. 叶轮直接安装在电机的长轴上,轴向尺寸短,结构紧凑,泵与电机轴承配置合理,能有效地平衡泵运转产生的径向和轴向负荷,从而保证了泵的运行平稳,振动小、噪音低。

3. 轴封采用机械密封或机械密封组合,采用进口钛合金密封环、中型耐高温机械密封和采用硬质合金材料,耐磨密封,能有效地延长机械密封的使用寿命。

4. 安装检修方便,无需拆动管路系统,只要卸下泵联体座螺母即可抽出全部转子部件。

5. 可根据使用要求即流量和扬程的需要采用泵的串、并联运用方式。

6. 可根据管路布置的要求采用泵的竖式和横式安装。


进口离心管道循环泵技术参数:Technical parameters of imported centrifugal pipe circulating pump:

流量:0-2600m3/h(m3/minL/minL/sL/h) 扬程:0-1200m
转速:0-2900r/m 口径:0-500mm 电压:220/380V
电机功率:0.18-300KW 工作压力:0-200MPa


德国巴赫是德国优异的水泵制造及水泵系统服务商之一,巴赫集团在德国专为“水系统问题”提供优质解决方案,凭借其丰富经验与德国人专业严谨,一丝不苟的精力,提供一站式由设计、制造、销售、安装、维护之全包式服务。Bach Pump巴赫)系德国Bach集团主要的亚洲高品质战略品牌,作为重要分支机构的工厂,一体负责以德国制造精力在产品线,以及亚洲区域的市场开发、产品销售、技术支持和售后服务。随着公司规模的不断扩大,公司产品和业务也涉及到各个领域:公共工程、隧道、土木、采矿、污水处理、供水设备等。因其品质高、价格合适、服务有保证、符合市场需求等品牌遗传因子优势,并开启其逐鹿中国泵品牌市场的征途。



German Bach is one of Germanys leading water pump manufacturing and pump system service providers, Bach group in Germany for "to provide quality solutions for water system", with its rich experience and professional German rigorous, strict in demands of the spirit, to provide one-stop from design, manufacturing, sales, installation and maintenance of all inclusive service. Bach Pump (Bach) Asian Department of the German Bach group leading high-quality brand strategy, as an important branch of the organization responsible for the German manufacturing factory, with spirit in the product line, as well as the Asian regional market development, product sales, technical support and customer service service. With the continuous expansion of the companys scale, the companys products and services also involve various fields: public works, tunnels, civil engineering, mining, sewage treatment, water supply equipment, etc.. Because of its high quality, price, service guarantee, meet the market demand and other brand gene advantages, and start its pursuit of Chinese pump brand market journey.






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