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进口电动隔膜泵产品概述:Introduction of imported electric diaphragm pump products:

进口电动隔膜泵是一种新型的泵类,近年来,由于在隔膜材质是取得了打破性的进展,来应用于石化、陶瓷、冶金等行业,特点是不需灌引水,自吸能力强。Imported electric diaphragm pump is a new type of pump, in recent years, due to the material of diaphragm is a breakthrough, used in petrochemical, ceramics, metallurgy and other industries, is without irrigation water, suction capacity.直径上海边锋将被输送介质和传动机械件分开,所以介质不上会向外泄漏。且泵本身海无轴业封,使用寿命大大延长。应用领域:喷漆、陶瓷业中隔膜泵已占有的主要地位;环保、废水处理、建筑、排污、精细化工中正在扩大它的市场份额,并具有其他泵不可替代的地位。


进口电动隔膜泵工作原理:Working principle of imported electric diaphragm pump:


1.丁晴隔膜;主要用于耐油场合。 2.氯丁橡胶5031#本单位特制,主要用于耐丙酮及各种酸类、碱类。 3.氟橡胶6021#本单位特制,主要用于高温150℃:,耐甲笨耐腐蚀。但价格比其它隔膜高。4.食品橡胶,专项使用于食品饮料的输送。
1.泵出口严禁安装阀门,如必需装阀门;要在出口安装安全阀门,工作压力不得超过4公斤,以免造成损失。 2.应及时加油,保持润滑系统正常运转。 3.泵在使用中环境温度应小于40℃、电机温度不得超过75℃。4.被输送的介质及其温度应在泵材允许范围内。 5.对于输送液体为易沉淀结晶的介质时,使用后应及时清洗排净泵内积物,以免再开时损坏。

进口电动隔膜泵特点:Characteristics of imported electric diaphragm pump:




1, no irrigation, self suction capacity of more than 7 meters.

2, through good performance, diameter less than 10 millimeters of particles, mud, etc. can easily pass.

3, because the diaphragm will be transported medium and transmission mechanical parts separate, so the media will not leak outward. And the pump itself has no shaft seal, the service life is greatly extended. According to different media, the diaphragm is divided into chloroprene rubber, fluorine rubber, butyl rubber, etc., can fully meet the requirements of different users.

进口电动隔膜泵产品参数:Import electric diaphragm pump product parameter:



进口电动隔膜泵产品用途:Application of imported electric diaphragm pump:





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German Bach is one of Germanys leading water pump manufacturing and pump system service providers, Bach group in Germany for "to provide quality solutions for water system", with its rich experience and professional German rigorous, strict in demands of the spirit, to provide one-stop from design, manufacturing, sales, installation and maintenance of all inclusive service. Bach Pump (Bach) Asian Department of the German Bach group leading high-quality brand strategy, as an important branch of the organization responsible for the German manufacturing factory, with spirit in the product line, as well as the Asian regional market development, product sales, technical support and customer service service. With the continuous expansion of the companys scale, the companys products and services also involve various fields: public works, tunnels, civil engineering, mining, sewage treatment, water supply equipment, etc.. Because of its high quality, price, service guarantee, meet the market demand and other brand gene advantages, and start its pursuit of Chinese pump brand market journey.






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