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2090-T83铝合金板材是一个完全商业化的铝锂合金,高度度开发航空航天应用。提供8%的铝 - 铜 - 锂合金的密度相比,节省与其他航空航天合金。铝合金2090-T83还具有较高的弹性模量的10%。何时加上密度小功能,提供了独特的轻量化的好处。






Alloy 2090-T83 sheet is a fully commercialized aluminum-lithium alloy developed for high strength aerospace applications. The Al-Cu-Li alloy offers an 8 per cent density savings when compared  with other aerospace alloys. Alloy 2090-T83 also has a 10 per cent higher elastic modulus. When  coupled with the low density feature, this provides for unique weight saving benefits.

Alloy 2090-T83 has strengths comparable with other high strength aluminum alloys and superior

corrosion resistance. The alloy is also one of the most weldable aluminum products available.

Some material features of 2090 vary from conventional aluminum alloys and need to be consideredduring design and material selection. Specific details are further defined in Alcoa’s Green Letter  on 2090 alloy.

Alcoa has produced over 200,000 pounds of 2090 sheet in various tempers for commercial use.

Alloy 2090-T83 sheet is designed for use where high strength requirements are necessary. Currently。

2090-T83 sheet is being used for aircraft floor bulkhead stiffeners to take advantage of the high

strength and lower density to achieve a substantial weight reduction.

uses include wing leading and trailing edges, fuselage bulkhead webs and internal frame-

work parts. Alloy 2090 is also being considered for many applications in advanced aircraft including   wing structures.



上海儒盟文实业有限公司 > 铝产品 > 2090T83ALLOY2090T83SHEET
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