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u  产品特性





u  开槽参数

硫酸亚锡 510 g/l       硫酸镍 2025 g/l

试剂硫酸 1520g/l      JB-C022025 g/l

u  控制参数

硫酸亚锡 310 g/l       硫酸镍 1525 g/l

游离硫酸 1520 g/l        20±2                  

    1218 V        PH 0.81.2

时间 115min(根据颜色深浅确定)

u  维护和管理

1.根据化验结果来确定添加相应的组分,槽液酸度一般控制在PH值在0.8~1.2。一般情况下,各着色组分消耗在着色材料为400~600m²/吨时:硫酸亚锡 23.5kg/ton 硫酸镍 12.5kg/ton 试剂硫酸11.5kg/ton  JB-C02 23.5kg/ton



u  包装、贮存及保质期



JB-C02  Electrolytic Coloring Additive in Sn-i Salt bath

u  Product Features

1. Its a multi function coloring additive with anti oxidant and stabilizing agent.

2. Contains unique dispersing agent and brightener, able to stabilize bath solution and produce even       colours.

    3 This product is non toxic, environmentally friendly, safe and reliable.


u  Tank set up parameters

Tin sulfate  510 g/l            Nickel sulfate 2025 g/l

Sulfuric acid ( reagent) 1520g/l   JB-C022025 g/l

u  Controlling parameters

Tin sulfate 310 g/l,            Nickel sulfate 1525 g/l

Free Sulfuric acid 1520 g/l      Temperature 20±2                  

Voltage 1218 V               PH0.81.2

Time115mindepends on the color density

u  Maintenance and control

1.To add additive based on test results. The PH value should be controlled between 0.8 to 1.2. Under normal condition, chemical consumption for aluminum material with 400 to 600m2/ton are: Tin sulfate: 2.0 to 3.5kg/ton, Nickel sulfate 1.0 to 2.5kg/ton, Sulfuric acid reagent 1.0 to 1.5kg/ton, JB-C02 2.0 to 3.5kg/ton.

2.The tank liquid temperature should be tightly controlled. The base color will become darker with higher temperature; coloring becomes difficult if the temperature is too low.

3.The tank solution should be filtered regularly, to ensure good coloring result.

u  Packing and Storage

25kg carton packProtect form heating, avoid alkali, keep sealed in a dry, cool place and prevent leakage. The product shelve life is 1 year under room temperature.



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