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分子筛“40立方工业制氮机”生产厂家以空气为原料,“40立方工业制氮机”生产厂家利用物理的方法,“40立方工业制氮机”生产厂家将“40立方工业制氮机”生产厂家的氧和氮分离而获得。“40立方工业制氮机”生产厂家这是七十年代迅速发展起来的一种新的制氮技术。它具有工艺流程简单、自动化程度高、产气快(15~30分钟)、能耗低,产品纯度可在非常大范围内根据用户需要进行调节,操作维护方便、运行成本较低、装置适应性较强等特点。 使用范围也很广:用于SMT行业应用 ,半导体硅行业应,半导体封装行业应用 ,电子元器件行业应用 ,化工、新材料行业行业应用 ,粉末冶金,金属加工行业,热处理行业应用 食品、医药行业行业应用 , 其他使用领域 。 它的主要流程:空气压缩部分:空压机、空气储罐;空气净化部分:效率高除油器、准确过滤器、压缩空气干燥机、空气缓冲罐、活性炭过滤器;制氮机主机部分:吸附塔、PLC控制器、氮气粉尘过滤器、氮气储罐,以压缩空气作为原料和动力,通过变压吸附制取纯度为95%~99.9995%的氮气;氮气纯化部分:利用碳载纯化装置(加氢纯化装置)对99.9%的普氮进行提纯,得到高纯度氮气(99.999%~99.9995%)。 Molecular sieve five cubic system in air as raw material nitrogen equipments, 5 cubic system using physical method nitrogen equipment nitrogen making equipment, five cubic one oxygen and nitrogen separation and obtain. Five cubic nitrogen making equipment this is developed rapidly in the 1970s, a new nitrogen making technology. It has the process is simple, high automation, produce gas quickly (15 ~ 30 minutes), low energy consumption, product purity in wide range can be adjusted according to the needs of user, operations and maintenance easy, operation cost is low and device characteristics such as good adaptability. Using range is very wide also: for SMT application, semiconductor silicon industry should, semiconductor packaging industry application , electronic components industry applications, chemical, new material industry industry applications, powder metallurgy, metal processing industry, heat treatment, food, pharmaceutical industry industrial application, other use industrial application field. Its main flow: air compressor parts: air compressor, air tanks; Air purification part: oil removal device, high precision filter, compressed air drying machine, air cushion tank, activated carbon filter; Nitrogen making machine main machine: adsorption tower, PLC controller, nitrogen dust filter, nitrogen storage tanks, to compressed air as raw materials and the power, through the variable pressure adsorption purity of 95% ~ 99.9995% preparation of nitrogen; Nitrogen gas purification parts: use carbon load purification devices (hydrogenation of purification unit) 99.9% nitrogen for purification, get high purity nitrogen (99.999% ~ 99.9995%).



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