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Grade 7(Gr7 Ti-0.15Pd)钛钯合金



Grade 7(Gr7 Ti-0.15Pd)钛钯合金

Grade 7是一种新型结构材料,它具有优异的综合性能,如密度小(~4.5gcm-3),比强度和比断裂韧性高,疲劳强度和抗裂纹扩展能力好,低温韧性良好,抗蚀性能优异,某些Grade 7的较高工作温度为550?C,预期可达700?C。进口Grade 7,运用**工业,性能成熟

Ti-0.15Pd (Grade 7)
This alloy has mechanical properties similar to Commercially Pure Titanium Grade 2 but 
has improved resistance to general and localised crevice corrosion in a wide range °F reducing acid environments including chlorides, with a good balance °F moderate strength, reasonable ductility and excellent weldability.

Ti-0.05Pd (Grade 16)
Grade 16 is identical to Grade 7 with the exception that the palladium added to improve corrosion resistance is less than with Grade 7. Mechanical and physical properties, specifications and forms are all identical to those °F Grade 7.
The alloy composition differs by the reduction °F Pd to 0.04-0.08%.
Note: The poor availability and high cost °F palladium have led to the development °F ruthenium as an alternative alloy addition to provide similar enhancement °F corrosion resistance but at lower cost. The relevant ASTM Grades is 26 (CP Grade 2 + 0.1% Ru).

Mechanical and physical properties are °F the same order as described for grades 7 and 16.





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