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                                   欧宇企业是国内有经验生产工业铝型材的要点厂家之一。引进德国技术力量,是一家具有现代化生产技术力量,通过全部质量体系认证和产品质量认证的企业。 欧宇企业产品分为四大版块:1.模具开发设计 2.工业铝型材挤压生产 3.铝制品深加工 4.工业铝型材框架及流水线设备开发安装。 工业铝材挤压生产、铝材框架已是欧宇的成熟产品,而旗下的上海金雅工业自动化设备有限公司则以铝材框架的流水线、输送设备设计开发安装为主。随着公司的发展,欧宇企业的产品日益精深,研发制造中融入了欧洲、 及日本的技术特色,用于制造出成本控制精品。企业高层技术管理人员均来自于高校机电整体化有经验的国外培训过关回国的,具有丰富的研发、生产经验,熟悉国内外市场较新需求,有经验的团队能满足客户各种要求包括特殊的个性和异型产品。 OuYu Group is one of major manufacturers which specialized in industrial aluminum profile in China. It has profile extrude powerful  production capability with advanced process imported from Germany, ISO2000 certificate as well as. The company consists of 4 parts:  design and develop rial aluminum squeeze produce um products further  develop 4. industrial aluminum frame, production line and transfer device develop and install. Industrial aluminum extrusion production and aluminum frames are our developed products. It’s subsidiary company the Shanghai  Jinya Industry Automation Equipment CO.,LTD is lay emphasis on flow line and automation equipment with the material quality of aluminum.  Our strength is to make production flow line, transfer device and industrial frame system




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