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    本公司是一家铸扎卷、铝卷、铝箔坯料、铝箔生产为一体的生产型企业,企业主要产品合金系列为1系、3系、8系。 本公司下设两个全资子公司,邹平德利科技板材有限公司和山东远瑞金属材料有限公司,其中: 邹平德利科技板材有限公司主要经营铸扎卷、铝卷、铝箔坯料的生产销售,可生产厚度0.2mm-1mm,宽度在900mm-1730mm的铝卷。 山东远瑞金属材料有限公司为我公司铝箔加工子公司,可生产厚度在0.006mm-0.038mm,宽度在180mm-1680mm的铝箔, 产品广泛应用于软包复合、复合箔、烟箔、家用箔、酒标、药箔、电池箔等。


      Our company specialized in Cast Rolling Coil, Cold Rolling Coil, Alu Foil Stock, Alu Foil, and other products. The main products are 1 series, 3 series, 8 series Alu Coils. The thickness is 4-7mm of casing alu coil and 0.17-2.0mm of cold rolling alu coils. The width is 900-1730mm.
      We can also provide to the market of high-grade flexible packaging foil, cigarette packaging foil, alu lamination foil, household alu foil, beer label foil, battery foil, alu blister foil, etc.  The main products are 1 series, 3 series, 8 series. The thickness is 0.006-0.038mm of foil. The width is 180-1680mm.





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