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上海柯宾铝业有限公司是有经验生产各种铝制品,工业铝型材及配件的高新技术企业,公司完全采用德国高科技有经验技术设计、生产、制造各种铝型材及配件,并严格检验以控制产品质量,所有产品都严格按照ISO9001、2000全部质量管理体系生产,并通过了中国铝型材产品质量认证,为客户提供合格的产品和满意的服务。 公司自1993年成立以来,以“建立品牌,信誉为本,服务客户”为宗旨,不断提升,迅速发展成为铝型材行业的知名企业,产品销往世界各地。 公司主要生产设备包括:铝型材挤压生产线,配套以大型型材时效炉、型材立式淬火炉以及全套电脑控制阳较氧化、粉末喷涂和电泳涂装生产线, 具有模具开发设计、型材挤压、深加工,流水线设计及输送功能。加工设备包含:冲床,车床,钻床,铣床,磨床,线切,氩弧焊机,点焊机,气体保护焊机,剪板机,数控加工中心. 主要产品有:工业铝型材及配件,流水线型材,异型材,铝材,铝合金,螺栓,螺母,内置连接件,弹性扣件,角槽连接件,角件,平封条,U型装饰条,脚轮,蹄脚,盖板,直角连接件,三角连接件,转向角件,隔板固定件,合页等。. Shanghai kebin aluminium CO.,LTD is speciled in all kinds of industrial aluminium, provide first-class industrial aluminum related services: design, production, manufacture .We brought in high technology from Germany and make all production according to international quality management system ISO9001-2000, meanwhile, won the national Aluminum products quality certification.supplying good products and satisfactory service. Since founded in 1993, we always hold the tenet:"built brand, Based on Honesty , and customer oriented", provide satisfied service to our customers,so we are famouse in world market. We own Extrusion of Aluminum assembly line, matches Large Sized Special aging oven, quenching furnace profiles and full suite of computerize anodic oxidation, coating and electrophoretic painting line. Processing sets include:punch, lathe, drilling machine. Our products:industrial aluminium,and industrial aluminium profile,all kinds of bilts,spring factener,T-bolt,,flange Nut,T-nut,half round nut,sliding nut,butt joint,interior bracket,end cap,eye-bilt.bracket.hinge and so on.




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