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昆山千寻金属制品有限公司成立于2007年11月,是一家专注于铝挤压,cnc加工,车床加工等一站式高品质的铝产品制造商.管理团队和研发团队拥有超过13年的铝行业加工经验。千寻拥有超过15000平方米的车间,两条月产能350吨的挤压线 ,超过100多台的加工中心,固定资产投入已超5000万。 公司主要服务于国内外客户,为客户量身定制高品质、高要求的铝合金产品。在这个充满机遇挑战的新的历史时期,千寻公司将以市场为导向,以人才为根本,以技术为支撑,以资本为纽带,打造一个实力雄厚,核心竞争力强大的全部化企业。在这里,我们将用信念、追求和执着开启新的航程,乘风破浪,勇往直前,驶向我们的理想和目标。 kunshan qianxun metal co., ltd establised in the nov, 2007, we are a one-stop quality aluminum product manufacturer which is specialized in the aluminum extrusion, cnc machining, turning service. our management team r&d team owns me than 13 years experience in aluminum machining industry. qianxun has over 15,000sqm wk plant,owns two extrusion lines with capacity of 350 tons per month me than 100 sets of cnc milling machining center.fixed assets is over 50 million rmb we have perfect satisfaction f good quality service over the domestic oversea markets.in the face of the new challenges opptunities, the company will manage the guiding principleas market iented, people femost, technology suppting capital operation, to the goal of being a global enterprise with reliable technical strength production capacity. we will move fward bravely to the ideas goals with our faith, aspiration dedication. 我们的愿景: 成为国内有经验铝合金产品的制造商和供应商。 our vision: to be a professional aluminum product manufacturer supplier in china 我们的价值观: 不断学习,互相沟通,适应变化,诚信经营。 our value:: keep learning,ommunication,flexibility,honesty 我们的追求: 正义、诚信、务实、敬业、节约、创造、尊重人性、爱护自然环境。 our pursuit:: justice,lntegrity, be practical,dedicated,economizing,creation,respect human nature,protec natue environment. 我们的使命:逐渐建立与时俱进的平台,使所有人员在整个体系中有公平地发展机会。 our missiom: to build a platfm which can keep pace with the times,to insure everybody has fair developing opptunity in our system. 我们的目标: 1、 所有员工的收入高于同行业的平均水平; 2、 所有员工的幸福指数高于同行业的平均水平; 3、 整合资源,五年内成为国内有影响力的铝合金产品制造商和供应商; 4、 服务于青少年科技创新,成立研发中心,投入高准确设备,生产出商品质产品,更好的辅助青少年科技发展。 our goal: 1、 all the employee’s income is higher than average leveling the same industry 2、 all the employee’s happiness indexishigher than aveagelevelin the same industry 3、 integrating resources tobeco me an influential domestic manufacturer of aluminum product\s sithin five years 4、 we are dedicated to improve technology innovation of teenagers,set up r&d center,using hing precision equipment to produce high quality products,ableto enhance the develop pment of teenager’s technologylevel。




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