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ThyssenKrupp Materials Shanghai Co., Ltd belongs to the Germany based ThyssenKrupp Group, which is one of the world’s biggest technology groups. More than 199,000 employees worldwide realizing sales of more than €53 billion in fiscal year 2007/2008. With over 50 years of know-how in materials warehousing and service business, ThyssenKrupp Materials is one of the leading material distributors. We support our customers in Project business and provide Supply Chain Management solutions. We are your specialist for high-quality materials and services around aluminium, stainless steel, plastics materials. Key Products: Aluminium alloys in jigs and fixtures, mold building, engineering products and CNC-parts Plastic Material for advertising and engineering 蒂森克虏伯材料贸易(上海)有限公司隶属德国蒂森克虏伯集团, 该集团是世界上非常大的科技集团之一。大部分国家拥有超过199,000名员工。2007-2008年实现销售额超过530亿欧元。 拥有50多年的材料仓储技术及商务服务经验,蒂森克虏伯材料是主要的材料经销商之一。我们为客户提供项目业务和供应链管理解决方案。 我们是您在铝合金、不锈钢、塑料等高品质材料及相关服务领域的有经验伙伴。 主要产品: 应用于工装夹具、模具制造、工程产品与CNC 零件加工的铝合金材料 应用于广告和工程上的塑料材料。




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