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我公司座落在美丽富饶,交通便利的铝材大镇佛山市南海大沥镇.我们有经验生产铝铜加工生产所需的辅助设备. 铝熔铸所需的导管,转接板,流槽,分流盘,硅酸铝纸,塞头,过滤箱.过滤板,过滤布等硅酸铝制品. 铝板带.铝轮毂生产所需的 石墨轴承{石墨转子},铝型材熔铸所需的石墨环,金钢石模具.黄金制造所需熔金坩埚,铜厂加工所需石墨塞棒,石墨堵头,石墨浇管,底碗,碳片,石墨电较,保护套固体润滑剂,效率高模具分离剂等石墨制品。 铝挤压所需各种温度的传输带,滚筒.时效炉毛毡套等毛毡制品. 我们有严格的质量检验体系和售后服务.部分产品一年包换.现场设计和解决生产中的各种问题.欢迎来人来电洽谈业务. 本公司设立24小时服务电话:13433279924 15017666924 Our company is located in the beautiful and convenient transportation aluminum large town, Dali Town, Nanhai, Foshan City. We specialize in the production of aluminum copper auxiliary equipment required for production. Aluminum casting required catheter, adapter plate, groove, split plate, aluminum paper, plugs, filter boxes. filter plates, filter cloth, and other aluminum products. aluminum strip. aluminum wheels needed for the production of graphite bearing rotor} {graphite, graphite ring required for aluminum casting, diamond mold. gold to produce the required melt gold crucible, graphite stopper Tongchang processing required, plug graphite, graphite pouring tube, the bottom bowl, carbon films, graphite electrode, protective sleeve solid lubricants, and efficient separation of the mold etc. graphite products. Aluminum extrusion temperature for all kinds of conveyor belts, rollers. Aging furnace blankets sets blankets and other products. We have strict quality inspection system and after-sales service. Some products one year replacement. Site design and solve the various problems in production . welcome calls business negotiations. The company set up a 24-hour service Tel: 13433279924 15017666924




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